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Rui Gomes, em 30.12.19


Sporting is the club of the decade for UEFA (Futsal)


With the second decade of the 21st century ending, UEFA has released the ranking of the best futsal clubs in the last 10 years. The standings take into account UEFA Champions League / UEFA Futsal Cup appearances, together with triumphs, draws and losses, as well as the titles won, goals scored and conceded.

Sporting, current European champions, top the table with a total of 119 points. Four more than Barcelona (Spain) and 10 more than Kairat Almaty (Kazakhstan). Benfica comes in ninth place with 61 points.

The lions were also the club that most often reached the final (four) and also the emblem with the most participation in the final four (six, alongside Barcelona and Kairat).

Check out the table:

2019-12-30 (1).png

publicado às 16:02


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7 comentários

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De Tiago Santos a 31.12.2019 às 19:46

Eu gostei mais de pela primeira vez na minha vida ver alguem a fazer um Top 8 no outro post em vez dos habituais Top 5 ou 10 so para dizer que o Sporting era a unica equipa Portuguesa desse Top... 8.

Mas pronto... Estamos em quadra festiva.

Bom ano a todos.
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De Rui Gomes a 31.12.2019 às 21:00

Até tem razão, mas na altura limitei-me a transcrever a informação então disponível. Só posteriormente, ao preparar este post, levei a cabo a minha própria pesquisa e identifiquei o top-10 do ranking.

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Cristiano Ronaldo